Diamond is one of the most
laid back mares we have ever
known and is one of the least
dominant mares in the herd.
Fully trusting of people and
very easy to catch, she just
enjoys being around them. An
excellent mother, Diamond will
let you handle her foals right
from birth. All the kids love to
come up and play with and
teach the foals and she makes
this very easy because of her
calm, accepting nature.
Diamond will come when
called and will follow you if
asked. She would probably
follow you right home if you let
her! Diamond stands at 14.2
hands and is currently used for
trail riding horse for our 12
year old daughter.

Diamond is in foal to Curly
MFT stallion, ZGC Dallas
pictured here. He stands at
15.2, is gaited like a dream
and gorgeous! I can't wait
to see him when he is fully
mature at 5-6 years old!
He is currently 3 and this is
his first breeding season.
We expect a well gaited,
gentle, large size, stong foal
from Diamond and Dallas.
The foal will be black and
white, bay and white or red.
